The revolution will rhyme...

Buffalo Books
Our City, Our Stories
Buffalo Books was established by Jillian Hanesworth under Literary Freedom, LLC. The purpose of this initiative is to increase access to books by placing tiny libraries on the east side of Buffalo. To take it a step further, this project will also directly support local authors, by filling the libraries with books exclusively written by local authors. If you are an author and would like your book to be considered for purchase, please fill out the "Author Form". If you would like to make a donation to Buffalo Books, please click on the "more" tab at the top of the page, followed by the "donate" tab.

Donate to Buffalo Books!
Help me bring literacy tools to the hood! My making a donation of any size, you will be helping with the construction of the library boxes, paint, concrete, and book purchases! This is a community effort and it will take all of us to shift the culture of our city by educating and empowering our people!